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Comfy Big Crimp #3 - GRU

Comfy Big Crimp #3 - GRU

Regular price $700.00
Regular price Sale price $700.00
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Color: Yellow
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Hold Specifications
Material: GRU
Grip: Jug
Family: Geologic
Styles: Comfy
Size: 8
Attachment: Screw on Only
Shaper: Kevin Branford
32 in
21 in
11.75 in
Longest Side
32 in

Fabricated with Glass Reinforced Urethane, the Comfy Big Crimps #3 has a top layer gripping surface of durable polyurethane and an underlayer of lightweight, strong fiberglass resin. The tighter radius of this hold gives it an almost jug-like grip, the most positive of the Comfy Big Crimp series. Unlike Comfy Big Crimps #1 and #2, the intricate sandstone styling can be used as difficult sloping dishes in certain orientations. Everybody loves a “jug,” right?

Learn more about GRU and our other available materials.

Hold Specifications
Material: GRU
Grip: Jug
Family: Geologic
Styles: Comfy
Size: 8
Attachment: Screw on Only
Shaper: Kevin Branford
32 in
21 in
11.75 in
Longest Side
32 in

Fabricated with Glass Reinforced Urethane, the Comfy Big Crimps #3 has a top layer gripping surface of durable polyurethane and an underlayer of lightweight, strong fiberglass resin. The tighter radius of this hold gives it an almost jug-like grip, the most positive of the Comfy Big Crimp series. Unlike Comfy Big Crimps #1 and #2, the intricate sandstone styling can be used as difficult sloping dishes in certain orientations. Everybody loves a “jug,” right?

Learn more about GRU and our other available materials.

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