The Myorcan Expansion Set includes 10 holds from the iconic Myorcan style:
Myorcan Protrusions: Three large, bulging tufas that have a diverse range of utility. With a wide radius rolling into deep incuts, these shapes can be used as buckets in certain orientations or rotated to make for pumpy and powerful moves.
Myorcan Super Tufa: As the largest and most positive shape in the 2023 Myorcan Expansion Pack, the Super Tufa is one massive tufa with multiple grip options along side-by-side columns. One side is slightly incut with a couple of sweet spots, where the other side is more incut and feels juggy on almost any angle.
Myorcan Giant Tufa: A wide-grip tufa pinch that varies in its length from flat to slightly incut, this shape is useful for moderate grades on slab to slight overhang and will create a wicked pump on steep walls.
Myorcan Giant Rails: 5 big tufas that are tall, narrow, and long, ranging from sloping on both sides to incut on both sides. These relatively narrow-grip pinches are similar to the existing Myorcan Tufas II, only 3 to 4 times longer. Gently tapered ends make for difficult foot placement in vertical orientations which can force sequences that require pinching the hold between both feet, a technique that is unique to tufa climbing.